
Planning application

The application basically involved the formal presentation to the Local Authority planning or development control department. During the planning process the allocated planning officer will advertise the application for 21 days in order that the public have the opportunity to comment or object to the scheme, the planning officer will wish to carry out a site visit in order to fully assess what impact the proposal will have. He/she will then write a report on their views, in relation to the Town and Country Planning Act, with a recommendation to either approve or reject the scheme. Some local authorities allow their planners to discuss the proposal with the agent in order the ‘tweak’ or change the scheme, mid-application, in order to achieve an approval first time.

Permitted Development

Some properties will have an allowance called Permitted Development. In short, this means that some development can be undertaken without the requirement for full planning permission. However, A & P make a ‘Certificate of Lawful Development’ application which certifies that the development is indeed lawful.

Chartered Town Planners

We have links with several consultant Town Planners, who specialise in back-up information and statements including research, in order to maximise the possibility of an approval.
Also, for more complicated proposals, the Charted Town Planner performs an important role, having a design input from the outset of the processes and discussing the holistic planning strategy both with the designer, client and planning department.

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Planning application



Tel: 01245 268886 - 07966 403783